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Is Your Website Ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

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If Ned Stark is still alive today, he would say, “Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) is coming!” The biggest shopping weekend is here. As BFCM is knocking at the door, let’s bring the traffic and sales to your E-Commerce store. Being the best Ecommerce Web Development Company in the industry, we’re here to help you do just that. Before you terminate BFCM as an event for the big players, just hear us out. There are plenty of opportunity and tricks that can be beneficial to the business of any size. You can participate without killing your margins.

Shop Smarter, Not Harder!

BFCM is originated in the US. But it has caught like wildfire due to the increase in cross-border shopping. According to a 2016 Borderfree study, BFCM orders were increased globally. Countries like India saw as much as 173% growth over the previous year. Merchants like Shopify in Denmark generated huge sales last year. The numbers of orders on Black Friday increased six times from last year sales. BFCM, unquestionably a huge sales break for business for any size in any part of the world. It is no longer the game for massive chain retailers.

Why Should You participate in BFCM?

The apt answer is people are spending huge money and isn’t it unfair of not grabbing some of it for your pocket?

In 2016, Cyber Monday sales hit an untouched high, with purchasers burning through $3.45 billion USD in a single day. What’s more, around the same time Black Friday activity was up 220% on a regular day.

Those figures incorporate powerhouses like Amazon and WalMart. However, in the event that you think the Giants were the main victors, reconsider: at BFCM’s pinnacle a year ago, Shopify shippers alone created $555,716 in a single minute!

Presently, like never before, independent and small organizations have a genuine chance to get in on the activity. Why? “Consumers want personalized attention,” says a BDC study, and who preferable to convey over smaller organizations that can have nearer associations with their littler client bases.

A Deloitte study says, affirming that clients anticipate that brands will know them and treat them as though they matter. This is the place independent ventures sparkle.

Social Media selling is the Secret Santa!

Social media campaign may appear like an undeniable marketing proposal, yet these systems with a huge number of built-ins, dynamic groups of onlookers regularly go under-used by a small and mid-sized business that don’t generally have room schedule-wise, assets and spending plan to help them. However, customers progressively utilize web-based social media to look into, find and buy items online – especially amid the holiday season.

Shopify announced E-Commerce business orders originating from social networking in 2014 expanded by 202 percent, and Vision Critical information uncovered 40 percent of buyers made a buy (either on the online or in-store) subsequent to favoriting an item via social media platforms.

The genuine magnificence of social promotions is that you needn’t bother with a financial plan to set up a nearness and pick up a group of people – in spite of the fact that having a financial plan wouldn’t do any harm. Here are some simple social exercises you can do to begin getting a charge out that keeps on giving:

• Regulate the best social networks for your target audience.

• Regularly share your products and branded content (Pro Tip: Use relevant and timely hashtags like #BFCM).

• Try promoted posts.

• Follow and engage users and fans.

• Develop branded accounts on your targeted social platforms.

• Experiment with Buy Button offers on sites like Pinterest and Twitter.

Be on The Nice List of Your Customer!

Numerous organizations expect just having a web presence is sufficient to pull in and hold visitors. However, most sites don’t naturally make it onto Santa’s nice list. E-Commerce business sites should be upgraded for inquiry, execution and convenience keeping in mind the end goal to reach and draw in online consumers.

The Monday following Thanksgiving deals alone a year ago totaled $2.3 billion in the U.S. However, Google and search engines don’t have the foggiest idea about your website exists. You’re passing up a great opportunity for your chunk of that market. What’s more, once individuals can discover your site, you have to ensure you’re giving an extraordinary client experience to keep them there. As indicated by Radware research, 57 percent of purchasers will relinquish a site that fails to load after three seconds.

Here is a quick checklist to guarantee your web efforts aren’t getting lost in the silver noise of the worldwide web:

• Is your site targeting the correct keyword for your target audience?

• Is your site optimized for mobile devices?

• Can Google and other search engines correctly index and crawl your site?

• Is your site integrated with social media platforms?

• Is your site easy to navigate and search through?

• Are you using images to engage visitors?

• Is your securing customer payment information?

Service that Brings Customer Cheer!

While quick satisfaction is a vital factor in guaranteeing extraordinary customer service, businesses need to make a positive general shopping background to really win big with clients. Occasion deals and advancements draw in a more noteworthy number new client, and you would prefer not to pass up a major opportunity for a chance to change over one-time customers into deeply rooted clients. Developing and using solid client connections is an additional advantage for smaller retailers.  They can have over the larger, big-box stores.

Here are some tips to help you give excellent customer service this holiday season:

• Provide an easy-to-navigate website.

• Develop reliable branding across online and in-store channels.

• Rationalize the checkout process.

• Bundled product offers.

• Communication order status.

• Follow-up with emails for special offers and product references.

• Facilitate fast shipping and fulfillment.

• Offer rewards points and loyalty programs.

Last Minute Thoughts!

We hope to give you a picture of last-minute tricks and tips for #BFCM weekend. Your small and mid-sized retail business can boost sales, speed delivery and improve customer service. Now, you can have more time to eat, drink and be marry!

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