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What, When And How – A Collective Guide To A Mobile App Startup

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The mobile application industry is driven today by the need for big data, business intelligence, and analytics. The more tactical and strategic the app will be, the more will be its demand in the market. With rapid advancements made every day, it is quite evident that there will be more demand for such apps in the time to come. In order to live up to the growing demands of mobile application around the world, there is no wonder about the fact that many entrepreneurs are coming up across the world by setting up their own mobile app startup.

If you are a budding entrepreneur, who is planning to start his or her own enterprise that makes a mobile app, then we are here to help you out with some basic things, which you must know and be aware of, once you start the business. At the end of this blog, you will come to know about the what, when and how facts, related to a startup of a mobile app development company.

So, let us take a look at the various factors which you’ll have to take into account when you are all set to launch your mobile app business.

Difference Between Native And Cross Platform

It depends on you which platform do you want to develop the app. Remember that whatever platform you choose has got its own set of coding rules. For an iOS app, the platform will be Objective – C, whereas for android app development, the platform will either be Java or HTML. If you are doing it for the first time, then it is recommended that you start testing it on a single platform. As far as multi- platform development is concerned, you can start it later.

Proper Platform Selection

Remember, you have App store, Google Play, and Windows store to upload your apps. So, it depends on you where do you want to see your apps. Apple always pays more to those who want their app to be downloaded by charging fees. If you want to upload it on Windows store, you might not be able to earn much revenue. Google Store can be the ultimate solution in this case and poses a challenge to iTunes. As a newbie in the market, it is recommended that you put your app for sale on the app store.

Create Flawless Designs

Designing is not a rocket science or a big task as you always think it to be. Include pixel-perfect graphics for all the images to be used in your app, use big buttons and icons, test your design in multiple formats such as X HDMI, hope, dpi and make sure that your icons and fonts should always be big irrespective of the screen size. It is always a wise decision to hire an expert designer first and then decide the final icons or layout.

The Secret to Retain Clients

When you are in the mobile app development business, the best way to retain your clients is to make simple applications. Refrain from including annoying pop-ups in between apps, or else, if you really want to include the ads then ask the permission of the users on the app description page itself. Keep updating your app after taking feedback from them about the app. The last thing to remember is to keep the process of login as easier as you can. Even a simple Facebook login can be of help.

Apply Clever Marketing Strategies

When it comes to marketing, use the four weapons of product description, brand awareness, SEO and intelligence gathering. Instead of simply writing about your app, write a persuasive sales letter that will pique interest among the readers. As far as intelligence gathering is concerned, follow what your competitors are doing. Promote your mobile app by sharing it on social media platforms as a brand. Try to provide as many backlinks as possible for your app.

Monetize Your App

Now there are three ways to monetize your app – sell the USP of your app, give it for free download or sell it in an app store at a fixed price. Another interesting way might be to have two versions of the app which are the pro version and the free version. You can charge for the pro version and allow the other version for a free download.

Factors That Could Pose As A Hindrance

Since you are starting out your venture for the first time, you might make some mistakes, which can cost you dollars. We present to you some of the factors that could limit the growth of your mobile app startup.

Authenticating A Mobile App With Mobile Web

Most of the entrepreneurs who are new in the mobile app industry often make the mistake of authenticating a mobile application through mobile web. It is important to understand here that the speed and functionality of the mobile app are impossible to match with a mobile web. One may find a mobile website while browsing through the Google search results, but a mobile app is confined only within the walls of Windows, Android, and iOS. Hence using a mobile app through a mobile web will give you wrong data.

Ignoring The Core Features In The First Version

Merely including a handful of features in an app is not something that people would expect from an app. What the user is really concerned about is to the extent to which the app solves the problem. The core feature of your app should always focus on solving the problem of the user. Once you are able to incorporate that it will become easier for you to sell your app.

Choosing Cross Platform

It is no doubt one of the best platforms for developing an application, but if you use such technologies then the most important thing which you will miss is the satisfaction in user experience. It is important to understand that there lies a difference in developing an app using one’s own platform and using a third-party app. Moreover, when you are developing a mobile app on your own platform, you can independently rely on the developers to fix any issues or bugs.

To Sum It Up…

Starting a mobile app business is not a risky affair at all, but at the same time, you have to keep in mind not only about the budget but develop the app that solves the problems of the user who is going to make use of it.

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