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5 Ecommerce Website Testing Ideas for This Holiday

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Back in the day fixing bugs in an e-commerce website was not so easy, as it remained overstuffed with much code. However, with time everything has changed so as fixing bugs on your website. You now have a number of tests to remove the technical hurdles anytime.

Now running the A/B testing is similar to copying and pasting a script into the website templates. When it comes to e-commerce website testing is equally easy, but you have to consider the priority of the test you like to have on your website. The conversion optimization plan should address all touch points and key customer aspects throughout your sites journey.

As ecommerce website must appear prompt for the holidays, so we have considered five areas for ecommerce website testing and made them synchronize perfectly –

Home Page

The home page of any website is the rich source of testing opportunities. If you can dodge the political hurdles or have top-management to support, then create a sensational page or else stick to a less sensitive page.

Take the example of a hospitality management company Outrigger, who wants to test their page to identify the focus points to resolve the issues and bring traffic. You can consider a reservation booking widget as a key to the puzzle, but we need to test the right placement for it in the site. As a correct placement can have a large effect on the revenue fetched by the website. Showing the property location is much important that the booking widget placement. A traveler will prefer to get into the property details at the beginning before booking.

Product Detail Pages

If you get some visitors to click on a specific product page and express some interest, then you win some big and potential sales. Making the most out of each visit is crucial. However, a typical product page consists of a lot of information such as – Product Image, Product Description, Details, and Specifications that drives customer’s decision.

There is a lot to digest, and it is tough for the decision makers to analyze what they must consider, as the approach differs from website to website. Therefore, we prefer to make analysis of the product detail page and identify the key problem areas. For examples in a product page, you must move the things like size, material used, and framing just below the image. This approach reduces the complexity of the purchase decision. Product details and the descriptions must move top right keeping the user’s choice below. For determining the product page analysis, you must perform A/B split testing and make sure to test site-wide, so the visitor gains consistent experience.

Category Pages

Category page gives you prime testing opportunities. These are the pages that show the breadth and range of your products organized into similar groups, helping visitors to find their desired products. Category pages do carry much information that helps to explore a product in detail.

In order to strike the right chord and balance on category pages, you must opt for a number of conversion optimization tests. In a test, it shows the variation presented in the categories of a grid pattern, a typical variation for most of the ecommerce website design. The second variation that testers tap is a stacked list view – which one do you think will win. It is none other than list view as it help people scan and compares the price in each category. Well, in some cases stack list may not work at par with tile view, so depend on the testing services to offer your e-commerce website the best approach.

Calls to Action

Most of the online shopping sites come with a call-to-action button that repeats throughout the website. It is popularly called persistent call-to-action button. The exposure these elements receive makes it an important touch point to boost conversion. The call-to-action button in your site must reflect a sense of urgency merged with easy flowing headline text and contents.


E-commerce sites and forms are the two inevitable things, as without the form you cannot generate leads nor retain the checkout path. They serve as the conversion point. Most often the forms meant for the developers to design and not enough time are spent on testing the flow of these crucial elements.

As per the testing testers, optimizing forms through careful testing can have a huge impact on the conversion rates. Check out the registration flow to have more opportunity of improvement that the client expects. Developers must be a little careful while designing the login forms. Just not a simple form using the best testing practices you can improve your checkout process.

So are you ready to make your e-commerce shopping site near to perfect fixing the bugs to spur the holiday mood?


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