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Build Millennial-Friendly Apps

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Hustle bustle on the Whatsapp, playing the Subway Surfers or sending a recent Snap by the Brooklyn Bridge with your new girlfriend on the SnapChat. Millennial mobile are power packed with features and apps, which are real time productive and let them connect the world on the go. This was the fun part, but they also love to do their banking, to submit their education loan, keep a track of their expenses all via full-featured online apps. They are the netizens and not just citizens.

So while designing apps for the millennial you need to remember some essential thing. You need to keep few things in mind while developing the apps.

Whatever platform you might choose to promote your app – iOS or Android you have to remember that your apps must garner gazillion eyeballs and downloads. Therefore, are you thinking to mint a brand new app, and then make it millennial-friendly without any second thoughts?

Who are These Millennials?

Millennial are people born in between the early 1980s to the late 1990s, they are the Generation Y, they come just after Gen-X.

Why Target Milennials?

To make your appear among the top ten you have to acquire 4000 downloads. It is easier to gain downloads if you target the milennials. They are the generation using Smartphones in good numbers. According to a recent survey by Nielsen 85% of the millennials, aged 18-24, owns a Smartphone and 86.2% aged 25-34 own them. Mobile app developers need to target this particular segment of the audience to skyrocket app downloads. You just need to place yourself in their shoes and see what apps you would have preferred using as a millennial. Your app will acquire certain introspection before development.


Here are the three bright tips to make your apps millennial-friendly –

Convenience is the Master Key

Apps means convenience, take for example Uber cabs app. you just tap and within no time you get a cab and you are on your way. On above of all, you can pay for the cab directly from the app. if you are a football fanatic then you cannot wait to check out the live scores of a match, so most of the users have Live Score Addicts on the mobile. Find something good to read, you pushed it to Pocket app to give it a read in the spare time.

Millennial love to stay connected on the subway, movie theaters, in the classroom or even in the washroom of a mall. Therefore, you see app increases the user experience by tenfold. So make sure that your app excels to provide a service better than a desktop, TV, voicemails, direct mails or any other conventional medium.

Thinking About the Mundane

Get a clear idea of the routine needs of users then build a unique feature around it. Make sure to turn it into the focus of the app. Domino’s for instance was going through a rough phase. Their cheesy products were not able to find no takers. There was an immediate overhaul of their marketing strategy. So they targeted the hungry late night millennial in no time, they build an app around this one particular feature to cater food to the hungry late night milennials. The callers love to order a pizza with a few clicks, and this idea worked and from that day, Domino’s sales never sulked. So is your app mundane?

Avoid Build Something Similar

The app does not get high download if they find similar kind of feature compared to the other, which has something better. Common services provided by an app are not something great downloadable. It would make it to the burial ground in no time. For example, if your app only helps the user locate stores, then they will not download, since they have Google Apps or Apple maps to do it for them and using such maps are easy.

Starbucks made this mistake by making an app to locate their stores exclusively, but it had disaster downloads. So abandon building something common, rather build something unique to target your millennial customers.

Ready to join the mobile app revolution, come seek unique and free consultation with our mobile app developers at Unified Infotech.

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