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How will Artificial Intelligence Shape The Ecommerce Website Development in 2017

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Humans are the most intelligent species on earth, but even they make mistakes. On the contrary, machines cannot commit mistakes. They do, only when humans instruct them. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is the difference between humans and machines. For an ecommerce website development company, there is a great opportunity. The way we do online shopping is all set to undergo a metamorphosis. Innovative buying will now reach new heights. The foray of machine learning technology will now change online shopping. Gartner estimates that by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will happen digitally. Hence, there is a strong indication of the technology overtaking ecommerce.

Artificial Intelligence – The Changing Face Of Ecommerce

The revolutionary change came in shopping with the introduction of online shopping. The introduction of apps further revolutionized the process. Cognitive technologies played an important part here. They came with robust content management platforms. Personalization became the primary focus of an ecommerce website development company. Consumer behavior plays a primary role in market research. Marketers use it to know about the buying preference of their target customers. They collect data from Smartphones and desktops via algorithms. The disruption in the technology with artificial intelligence has facilitated the ecommerce industry. Predictive analysis and personal assistance influence ecommerce industry. Artificial intelligence will change the way we shop online.

There are two factors, which will help ecommerce evolve with artificial intelligence. Machine learning and personalization. When it comes to machine learning there are many areas which can still improve. Some of them are logistics, pricing and recommendations. With perfect data analysis tools, the marketer can get vital market information. The algorithms generate insights as well as predictions. For instance: uploading pictures in social media with proper identification is about machine learning. It’s the algorithm, which does that. As a result, product recommendation will improve. Using consumer behavior, one can present more accurate recommendations, which customers want to purchase. On the other hand, personalization will enable marketers to focus more on customer’s needs.

Brands are utilizing the power of physical in store interaction to change customer experience. An ecommerce website development company needs to utilize APIs in proper manner. It can make the perfect integration between technology and online shopping. To improve the buying experience, many retail application powered with AI will come. With AI personal assistants, you will have a great shopping experience. In other words, artificial intelligence will slowly integrate with the robot technology. Human interactions will evolve in a much advanced version by amalgamating with artificial intelligence. Explore the various benefits of artificial intelligence on the ecommerce industry through this blog.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Influence Ecommerce?

Artificial intelligence will influence the ecommerce industry in many innovative ways. So, let us start exploring.

Improved Visual Search and Image Recognition

The New Year will amaze the online shopaholics. Artificial intelligence makes a foray in the ecommerce domains. Users now no longer have to search items. Just click the picture of your favourite product. Now search it on the ecommerce website. It will present to the user the best results. You can choose the best product based on your preference. Therefore, artificial intelligence will take the online shopping experience one notch higher.

Better Product Recommendation

An ecommerce website development company frequently uses these strategies to get more sales. Recommendation algorithms help customers to find just the perfect product. Tracking takes place based on the previous searches of the customer. They just find the perfect search results for you. Algorithms come here with improved characteristics. For instance: products with similar characteristics have algorithms working in a completely different way.

Voice Based Search To Gain Prominence

Voice recognition came in the mobile industry with Siri. In 2017, it will evolve further. Searching for products will optimize itself. Artificial Intelligence is going to take advantage of the seamless voice conversation. Virtual shopping will now enter in a new age development. Though the technology is still at its nascent stage, but one cab implement it to get better results. Your ultimate shopping assistant will come in the form of machine-based technology.

Assortment Tool For Better Products

In this age of fierce business competition, to know a competitors strategies helps you to win. For multi-channel retailers, it is imperative to keep a track of their competitor. With an assortment tool, you will get the perfect insight about competitor’s product. Retaining customers will become easier with it. They can now adjust their product mix with the accuracy. They will get a 24 hours update about the competitors’ latest products and services. Ecommerce website development company must recommend this amazing tool to retail marketers.

Use Of Intelligent Agent To Have Better Control

This is another intelligent tool. It is the perfect combination of AI and Agent Technology. Automated agent primarily performs three functions. Facilitate transactions, create an infrastructure, knowing the needs of buyers and sellers. All the agents automate fully and have their control in the internal stage. Moreover, they are capable of taking initiatives to achieve the targets.

What’s In Store For Future?

Artificial Intelligence has spread ripples across the tech industry. It is the next most happening thing. Every large company is taking its help to progress. For instance: Google is conducting a project called ‘Thought Vectors.’ The purpose is to make more advance machine capabilities. On the other hand, Apple and Facebook are simultaneously working on many AI projects. Ecommerce and artificial intelligence when combined with each other will produce best results. Its implementation will depend on the company.

Can artificial intelligence contribute to ecommerce in other ways? then please share your reviews.

Now, finding an ecommerce website development company is no more a tough task. With our ecommerce web solutions, you can get the most amicable solution to all your problems. Just send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you.

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